The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4 EX. 22 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1939 2. 1 A New York Curb Market (Continued From Twenty- First Page) High Low Close Unit Lt. P. DI 33 Unit Prof Sh 34 Unit Shoe SI 801 81 Unit Sh pi Unit Specialta Int Sec Foll 1 4 Sec DI 6012 64 60 Plywood 114 US Plywd cv pt U.

Rub Kecl 3 433 21 United Stores 3-16 1-11 1-16 Unit Wall P'ap 17 Univ Corp 3 3 Univ Insur 17 Titah-Idaho Sug Utah pi. 61 61 61 Utility Ind 15 Do pi Utility Equit Do. pr 533 Valspar Corp 1 1 Venezuel Pet 13 Wagner Bak vic 54 3. 51 Waitt Bd A 374 Walker Sin 14 Wellington Oil Wentwth Wes; Va West Air Exp Was Mat 112 Wilson- Jones Wolvertre F'ort Cem Wolverine 1 04 Wright lla. g.

614 CORPORATION ISNUES Am 2028.. A G3 0016 Appal tow 107 33 1071 Appal EI 13 63 Ark 36 106 A A Elec 53 58 GRE 34 54 A3 06 Fig 65 A 58 64 reg A. 19 Avery Sons 5847 Baldw 1, ds 30 115 Bell. Can 5s 1134 Beth St 6s 9S Birm El 68 07 34 97 Birming Gas 33 30 9414 Broad PAs 31 10014 Can: Nor 53 91 4 Can Pac 63 42 7 Caro 38 56 10x114 Cen Pow 53 57 919 LA 991 901 Cen EI 54 37 Do 48 3t 36 Cen St PRI, 33 14 Chi Ry US 27 ct Cin St Ry cA Do 69 55 91 91 Cittes Ser 53 66 79 19 Do 53 59 Do 33 50 Cit 91 Cit Pow 32 Commun 14 33 93 93 Con Balt 54 Con Gas Ut 63 43 st Cont 33 A 911. 913 Cudahy Pack 1 Del EI Pow 5143 100 Det Int Br G1s 52 6 Do 79 32.

9-16 0-13 9-10 Do 6446 32 ct 6 East 36 A Edison El Ilium 63 111 Elec 53. 2030 Empire Dis 38 32 104 104 104 Fed Water 54 97 974 FiR Re T. 54 101 101 Fla Pow 43 (i 99 99 Gary 58 st 1004 007. Gen Pub is 53 98 Gent Pub Ut 36 09 Gen WV Wk Re 13 A 00 Geo Pow As 67 104 106 Geo 78 4 66 Glen Ald Coal 4: Gobel St 414s 41A fig 43 44014 Groc 5 67 Jones Slated Succeed H. L.

Doherty K. Dec. 28 (AI) -W. Alton Jones, mrst vice-president of the is slated to succeed the late Henry no billion-dollar Cities Service Company L. Doherty as chief executive of the vast oil and utility system, it was predicted in well informed quarters today.

He had been acting in that capacity under Doherty's guidance during the long illness of the president. Construction Awards For Week $44,728,000 NEW YORK. Dec. 28 (AP) -Engineering construction contracts worlad during the short Christmas A $11.728.000. or 25 per cent 7 the same week a vear ering News- Record re18 a sards were 0.1 per cent 3, 1 year ago, but public 37 per a cent lower.

Foreign Exchange ET n--nominal. DRY GOODS MARKET NEW YORK, Dec. OS (AP) The belga declined almost as fast as the guilder advanced in the foreign eXchange market today. Dropping .0715 of a cent in terms of the dollar, the Belgian money lost more than half of Wednesday's sharp gains. guilder bounced a full The British pound gained while other major monies showed only minor variations.

Foreign exchange men noted today's sharply divergent price movements came against the backdrop of the news that Britain has completed or is engaged in conversaticns for war trade agreements with 14 nations. Talks with Belgian representatives were resumed in London with a view toward a general British-French-Belgian trade agreement. Closing prices follow: Great Britain In -dollars, others in cents. Great Britain, demand 3.04½; Great Britain, cables 3.95¼, 60-day bills 3.91¼, hills 3.89½: Canada, Montreal in New Tork 88.62½: Canada, New York in Montreal 112.8714: Belgium 16.71½: Denmark 19.33; Finland 1.95n: France 2.23¾; Germany 10.23n. benevolent 17.50; Greece Hungary 17.60n; Italy 5.50; Netherlands 53.22; Norway 22.73; Portugal 3.70n: Rumania Sweden 23.83; Switzerland 22.44: Argentina (official) 29.7: Argentina (free) 22.60; Brazil (official) 6.05: Brazil.

(frec) 5.10; Mexico 17.25n; Japan 23.49; Hong Kong 24.65; Shanghai 7.85; Yugoslavia 2.35n. Rates in spot cables unless otherwise indicated. NEW YORK. Dec. 28 (AI) -Dealers in the Worth Street cotton goods market reported a fair number of bids at about a cent a yard under the market today.

Mills, however, generally held firmly to their established levels. Inventory taking continued as a on activity. Rayon fabric prices wore strong in a fairly active market. Spring cloths for carly spring delivery were in demand and inquiry improved for underwear satins. Woolen goods trade was stimulated by brisk spot demand for overcoatings, helped by the recent sharp drop in temperature.

Silk goods were quiet. SOY BEAN RECORD CHICAGO, Dec. 28 (AP)-All records for soy beans futures transactions on the board of trade, were broken this month, figures released by" the board indicated today. Trade in bean contracts during December up to and including yesterday totaled 22,402,000 bushels--the highest for any month since trading in soy bean futures was inaugurated three years ago, and approached transactions for all 1938. which amounted to 23,478,000 bushels.

Sales for: 1939 date totaled 78.924,000 bushels. LOANS TO BROKERS WASHINGTON. Dec. 28 -The Federal Reserve Board reported today that last week's loans to brokers and dealers on securities held by reporting member banks in New York City totaled $551,000,000. The week ended yesterday and.

the total represented a decrease of $115.000,000 when compared with the previous week. Loans for the correspor ing week a year ago totaled $681 0,000. EXCESS FUNDS UP $150,000,000 Reserve Board Sees Christmas Cash as One Reason WASHINGTON, Dec. 28 (AP) Federal Reserve Board said today $150,000,000 jump in lendable excess reserves of banks last week brought the total of idle money to. 000.

Return Flow of ('ash The sudden boost was attributed partly to the return flow of: cash from the pockets of Christmas shoppers to the banks and partly. to gold imports. The hoard also reported that the 10 Federal Reserve Banks increased their investments in government bonds by $93,000,000, but decreased their holdings of government notes by $100.000.000 during the week. This switch -was believed to have resulted from the banks choosing new Treasury bonds when the Treasury made a refunding offer large issue of old Treasury notes coming due March 13. The board's statement said: "During the week ended Dec.

27 member bank reserve balances increased $115.000.000. Additions to member bank reserves arose from decreases of $18.000,000 in Treasury deposits with Federal Iteserve Banks, $16,000,000 in money circulation, and $85.000,000 in nonmember deposits and other Federal Reserve accounts, alid increases of $11.000.000 in gold stock, and $4,000,000 in Treasury currency, offset in part by a decrease of $77,000.000 in reserve bank credit and an increase of $6,000,000 in Treasury cash. Excess reserves of member banks on Dec. 27 were estimated to be approximately $3.050,000,000, an increase of $150,000,000 for the week. "The principal change in, holding of bills and securities.

was a net decrease of $1,000.000 in United States government securitice, direct and guaranteed; holdings of bonds increased $93,000,000 and holdings of notes decreased $100.000.000." Boston Produce Jobbing Prices Ting higher than extra pound, eXRUTTER-Creamery, in wash tubs, scortras 35 14 c. extras firsts firsts C. Individual prints 38 39c, prints Five pound boxes, 40c: unsalted 45c. twins and daisies a pound: Young. America 19 (p 20 c.

Held twins daisies and EGGS Near-by, specials, brown and Young America 20c. white, 090 a dozen: extras, brown and white mediums 27c. Western henneries 30c, extras 2Sc, extra firsts 25c, firsts 23c. WHITE SUGAR -Leading refineries ing the New England territory quote inimediate refined sugar at 4.710 pound base, shipment. only; regular DRESSED POULTRY- Native roasting chickens.

fancy 10021c a pound, fair to good 17019c; broilers, fancy 22c, fair to good fowl, fancy ft 19 fair to good capons 25 37c: roosters ducklings Western fowl. 12 to box, 30 to: 33 and 36 to 43 pounds 43 to 47 pounds 13c; 48 to 51 pounds 53 Western to 59 broilers, pounds 31 to heavier 1S C. 33, 36 to 4: and 43 to 47 pounds 17c; 48 to 54 pounds 18c; 55 to 59 pounds heavier 19c. Turkeys, fresh. native toms under 16 pounds 16 pounds and heavier 21022c, hens Northwestern toms, 12 to 16 pounds heavier 21c, hens Southwestern toms 200 21c, hens LIVE POULTRY -Fowl, colored a pound.

leghorns 124 10c. Chickens, roasting frying Broilers, less than three pounds Roosters FRUIT -Apples. Baldwing. bx, 3icIntosh red delicious $2.50 2.15, Rome beauty $20 2.25: avocado $10 1.45 dat: bananas, yellow red 615 chestnuts 709c lh: cranberries bx: grapefruit, Florida $203.23 bx, Texas $2.2503.50: grapes. almeria $20 3.25 1 lug, emperor $1.50 0 2.50, ribier $20 2.50: lemons 00.50 bx; limes, Dominican 6-da, seedless 0 2c each: oranges, California bx, Florida tangerines 0 02.00 two-thirds by: pears, beurre bosc and beurre d'anjou $202 02.13 bx.

comice 14-bx: persimmons $1471.30 bx: pineapples. Cuban $304 ert, Porto Rican strawberries, in refrigerators 25c. VEGETABLES Beans. green $1.150 3.35 hskt, wax $2.503.25: beets, bunch $1.35401.50 cutoffs bx; broccoli crt; Brussels sprouts qt: cabbage. new $1.2501.50 bskt: carrots, bunch $2.75 3.25 crt, cutoffs 90C bx: caulifowers crt: celery, pascal dz; cucumbers $348 bx: eggplant hothouse $5 crt: kale br.

Iceberg crt: 13085c bakt: lettuce. mushrooms. 73c bskt: onions. Connectcut Valley 65 bag. white $1.250 1.60; parsley $1401.50 parsnips 40450c peas bskt: peppers ert: potatoes.

white $1.6001.75 has. sweets bakt: radishes br: 1 spinach lb. and 650750. tomatoes, best $1 hskt: Winter squash hothouse 18422e repacked Southern $2.03 lug: turnips, purple tops hx. white Capes $1.3541.50 bskt, Prince Edward Island yellow 65 850 50-lbs.

Boston Wholesale Prices 120-23. EXTRA DIVIDEND. BOSTON. Dec. 28 (AP) Wholesale prices today extras wore: cheese, fresh twins 20: pullets 18; flour, spring patents 196 Butter, r.

eggs. near-by specials 24; medium ibs. in 93 lb. sacks 5.80-8.05; corn. all rail All rail No.

3 75-76: oats, fancy 40 56-57: potatoes, green No. mountain Timothv 19.50-20.50: beef. sides good to per 100 1.70-1.80: hay choice lambs, choice good to choice poultry. choice dressed fowls fancy live veal, good to fowls 15-16: sugar. refined 100 lbs.

14 4.70: hbl. cranberries (Howes) 2.50-2.83 per hx; turkeys, native 25-29; Northwestern NEW YORK, Dec. 28 -Directors of H. I. Green operators 3.

national chain of variety stores. today declared an extra dividend a of cents a share on common stock. in addition to the regular quarterly payment 'nf 50 cents. Both arc payable Jan. 18 to holders of record Jan.

8. ROYAL TYPEWRITER NEW YORK, Dec. 28 (AP) -Royal Typewriter Company announced today a dividend of $1 a common share. payable Jan. 15 to holders of record Jan.

5. The company paid four dividends of 73 cents cach on the common stock in. 1930. 50-CENT DIVIDEND NEW YORK. Dec.

23 (AP)-Diectors of American Metal today declared a dividend of 50 cents a common share. payable Feb. 1 to holders of record Jan, 10. Common dividends paid in 1939 totaled $1 a share. Department Store Sales Take Bound Up.

Sharply in N. N. J. and Connecticut NEW YORK, Dec. 28 (AP) -Department store sales in the second Federal Reserve area, which includes New York State and parts of Northern New Jersey and Connecticut, ran per cent above a year ago in the three weeks ended Dec.

23, the heavy Christmas shopping season, the Federal: Reserve Bank of New. York reported today. daily rate of sales for this portion of December showed about the usual seasonal advance from November, which was a relatively, good month for retail trade." the bank said. a department store sales for the full year 1939, based on final figures for 11 months and estimates for the full month of December, were per cent larger in dollar volume than in 1038. compared with a decrease of about 7 per cont between 1937 and 11938, the bank added, Radio News and Morning Watch.

Doyle News Radio and Bazar Weather HIGH LIGHTS TONIGHT Foods Rhythms In of the Season, Day CONCERT 9.15 Food News 9.30 Music While You Work 10.00 The Man Married 010.13 John's Other Wife' 10.30 Just Plain Bill 1-4 10.45 Woman White 11.00 David Road of Harum Life 11.15 11.30 AgAinst the Storm 11.45 Guiding Light P.M. 12.00 Theater Program 12.15 Day. Dreams 12.30 Your Family and Mine 12.43 Singin' Sam 1.00 News aid Weather 1.13 Your Neighbor 1.30 Marjorie Mills 0.00 Rhythm Matinee 2.18 Story of Ellen Randolph 2.30 Care Allre Blair 2.43 Mort Miss Julia 3.000 'l'he Story of Mary Marlin 3.15 Ma Perkins 3.30 Pepper Young's Family 3.45 Vic and Sade 4.104) Backstage Ivife 4.15 Stella Dallas 4.30 Lorenzo Jones 4.43 Young Widder Brown 5.00 Girl Alone--drama 5.16 Midstream 5.00 Jack Armstrong 0.45 Little Orphan Annie HARTFORD-1330 A. 7.110 Musical Program 1.15 News and Weather 7.20 Musical Program S.00 Today In Europe 8.35 Shoppers Special 0.00 Melodies of Tomorrow 9.13 Stater Employes Chorus 9.13 Bachelor's Children 10.00 Pretty Kitty Kelly 10.15 Myrt and Marge 10.30 lilitop House 141.45 Stepmother 11.05 Lanny loss. songs 11.15 enda Curtis 11.200 Big Sister 11.45 Aunt Jenny's Heal Life Stories P.

M. 12.04) Kate Smith's Chats 12.15 When Girl Marries 12.30 Romance ot Helen Trent 12.45 Our Gal Sunday 1.00 News and Weather 1.05 Us on a Bus 1.15 Life Can Be Beautiful 1.30 This Day 19 Ours 1.43 Man on the Street 2.00 Duo Barclay' Daughters 2.15 Life and Love of Dr. Susan 2.30 Ithythmelodies 43 My Son and I 3.40 Jordan 3.13 Society Girl 3.30 News Bulletins 3.35 Strictly Swing 4.00 Musical Program 5.140 Ad finer- dance program 5.30 It Happened in Hollywood 5.13 Scattergood Raines A. M. 7.45 Springfeld Union news 8.00 Weather 6.02 News Nervice 8.13 Betty Brewster 8.30 Andy Jacobson' Rhythm 8.15 Old Friends from Melody Lane 9.00 Morning Devotions 9.13 Your Friendly Neighbor 8.30 News Bulletins 9.33 Singing Strings 8.43 Elizabeth Kelleher P'arade 10.00 Independents 10.30 Melody Strings 10.13 The Old Optimist Ruth Interviens 11.15 The Buckeye Four 11.50 Keep Fit to Music 11.40 Radio Garden Club P.

M. 12.00 County Extension Service 12.15 Agriculture Series 12.30 Noonday Revue 12. Stock Quotations 1.672 News Service 1.15 Turners Falls Indian Call 1.30 People, Just People 1.45 What's Jour Initial 2.00 Sluse and Music 2.16 Hawailan Orchestra 2.30 Word Diamas-T. C. Sawyer 2.45 News Bulletins 2.30 Dance OrchestrA 3.00 Marriage License Romances 3.15 Happy Larry Lawrence 3.30 Dance Orchestra 4.00 Vermont Debate 30 Christmas Gold 5.00 Springtield Union news 5.13 The Johnson Family 5.20 Let's Talk It Over 5,13 Entertainment Time Tonight's Programs WIZA-SPRINGFIELD-990 6.00 News Bulletins 6.20 Newscope ut the Air 6.30 The Serenaders 6.43 Lowell Thomas, comment 7.00 Southland 1 Orchestra 7.30 The levelers 7.13 Radio Gossip 8.00 Don't Forget 8.30 Carson Robinson's Buckaroo 9.00 Plantation -Girls of the West 9.30 Sen.

Styles Bridges 0.43 Cavalcade of llits 10.00 Gene and Glenn 10.13 George Harris' Orchestra 11.00 News Bulletins 11.10 Weather Report 11.13 Ciene and Glenn ad Infinitum 1420 6.00 Evening Calibrard 6.05 Edwin C. Hill G.17 News Bulletins 6.10 The Lune Ranger Amos 'n' Andy Today In Europe Arcund the Town 7.15 ('hens Club nf the Air. 8.00 Kate Smith's Variety four 8.10 LImer Davis-comment 9,00 Johnny Presents 9.30 Little Theater 10.00 Grand Central Station 10.30 Moon Magic 11.00 Weather Report 11.02 P'aul Sullivan 11.15 Dance Music until 1 a. m. HARTFORD-1010 6.00 News and Weather 6.15 Batcese Heemself 6.30 The Serenaders 6.43 Lowell Thomas 7.00 Fred Pleasure Time I lore a Mystery Inside of Sports with Jack Stevens 7.43 News Reporters 8.00 Lucille Manners with Black's Orches.

Waltz Time 9.80 George Jessel'8 Celebrities 10.00 Guy Lombardo's Orchestra 10.30. WTIC Playhouse 11.00 News and Weather 11.17 When Day Is Done 11.13 Musie and Netvs until 2 m. WORC-HARTFORD-1330 6.00 News and Weather 6.05 linake Carter--comment 0.20 Edwin C. mill 11.30 11. V.

-comment 6.47 Today in Europe 7.00 Amos 'n' Andy 1.17 Lum and Abner Prof, Quiz -novelty 8.00 Kate Smith -variety 8.55 Elruer Davis-comment 4.00 Johnny Presents 9.00 First Nighter 10.00 Grand Central Station 10.30 NeWS And Weather 10.30 Dance Music 11.00 l'aul Sullivan's News Rerlews 11.23 Dance Music until 1 a. m. WHA-GREENFIELD-1210 6 00 Correct Time 4,02 News Service 6.10 Three Quarter Time 6.00 To be announced 6.43 Fulton Lewis-comment 7.13 Savoy Swing 7.50 Muriel Lucier 7.45 News Bulletins 8.00 The Lone Ranger 8.30 WOR Symphony Orchestra 9.00 R. G. Swing--comment 9.10 Larry Clinton's Orchestra 9.30 The Listeners' Theater 10.00 Monitor Views the News 10.15 Interlude 10.20 From Paris- W.

Root 10.30 Ballroom Orcnestra 10.43 Griff Williams' Orchestra 11.02 New Service 11.15 On With the Dance WOR-NEWARK-710 6.00 Uncle Don--children's program 6.30 News -Frank Singiser 6.13 Adrian Rollini's Trio 7.00 Stan -sports 7.13 The Answer Man- Albert Mitchell 7.00 The Lone Ranger -sketch 8.00 Col. Stoppagle's Contest 8.30 wOl: Symphony 9.00 Gabriel Heater--new 9.10 Larry Clinton's Orchestra 9.30 Benay Venuta's Program 10.00 R. G. Swing -comment 10.15 Musicale Interlude 10.20 From London--John Steele 10.30 Fulton Lewis--comment 10.43 Ted Steele, songs 11.00 News -Arthur Hale 11.13 Dance Music until 2 m. Tomorrow's Programs M.

6.00. Musical Clock 6.47 Tony, Juanita and Buddy 7.43 News And Weather Report 8.111 Breakfast In Bedlam 9.00 00 News Bulletins 9.00 Mildred W. Carlson 9.16 You Like It 9.30 Breakfast Club--Don McNelll 14 ADS High Low Close Ill Pow. Re 56 103 Do 37 Ill tin 10514 Ill: Tows 54B 104 104 104 Ind Hyd 58 001: 09 Ind Sve. Da 7184 Ind Ave 63 Int.

Sec Ts 57 48. 47. 47 Do 52 45 14 43 Inters l'ow fig 52 Inters Pow 56 6.5 64 63 It Sup Piv Gs G3A la- Ned 5s 37 Jackson Gas 38 42st 454 Jer 4 01C 109. 103 Ky Otil 5 102 1021 Do 03 61 104 104 104 Lake Sup 60 Lib MeN 59 42 10214 Milw 1st. 101 1043 101 Si inn 7S 102 Do 3s 33 105 1013 105 Miss Pol.

Co 57 1033 1034 Miss Pow 35 55 10278 1023 Miss 33 51 100 5245 09 0: 99 Vat tis 2026A Nevada Cal 56 Now Amst Gas 5s 48 .1:1 121 121 Eng GRE 3930 67 673 tit 3 Eng Pow Eng Pow Orl. 5 694: A Oh St 80 105 No Lt 1014 1414 Nor'west L' 3a 57 100 105 Ohio low 107 3 Oblo Pub Sve 43 62 ......100 10 Okla 1' 53 101 103 fig 41. l'ac Inv 927 Par 1' 1, 93 Pen ten 1. ha 70 t'en Cen I' 4 Pen 14. Da 62 107 l'en 4 1003, 7x Peo Gas 13 81.

0513 Do 49 G1 97 El 7: 114 11 P'ortland 10 Potome Ed 5s 36 105 73 NJ. C9 at Pug 8d 43 Do 39 Sv Pug Sd 1' San Joan 1. Us 131 131 Scripps 516 43 103 103 143 Scullin St 31 6914 05 65 Shaw 94 0414 044 P. 2025 A South Car Pow 57 90 004 So Cal Ed 335 00 ....110 1003 110 Do 00 1 110 110 So Ind Ry 4s 51 51 34114 So'wes I. 6s 2022 A 10312 10312 is 48 66 65 19 66 Stand 43 cv st 6612 66 tiA Do 6s 31 67 Do 68 57 86 664 6644 Do 66 Stand 676 63 Tex El 39 104 Tex 56 107 107 107 Tide Wat 54 70 A 1021 Twin CRT 32 62 6214 tiN 50 4th st Unit 84 Unit LaRy 14s 32 0214 9212 Unit A 8n 79 Virg 5 40 A 10214 Hanover City 34 Irarco Hyd El 78 52 44 Maranhao Braz 38 91 Diedetlin Col 78 51 14 Parana Braz 5.8 Virg Pub 35 50 1003 101 Waldorf- Ast 53 54 91 01 914 West News, Un 69 41 49 49 49 Wise.

6A 1037; 1017 York Rv 3 A 47 961 961 I Cauca V'al 48 131 131; Cauca Val. 10 133; Russ 315 1921 Santiago Chile 49 1314 131 Terni Elec 4.7 Unit Sve Ta 36 43 43 43 Square Stockholders Ratify Kollsman Merger holders of the Square Company, DETROIT, Dec. 2S -Stockmanufacturers of electric equipment. at 2 special meeting today ratified recent merger voted by directors with Kollsman Instrument Company, of Elmhurst, N. T.

The stockholders also authorized a new issue of $3,000.000 in 5 per cent cumulative convertible preferred stock in connection with the merger. The Kollsman Company manufactures aviation instruments. Sugar Market NEW YORK, Dec. 28 (AP) Domestic and world sugar futures declined today and closed at around the lows for the session, The turnover domestic of. list 10,150 dropped tons.

3 groints were skittish over possibility of a large 1910 quota. Lower raw prices did little to restore confidence. World futures dipped to points on sales of 2750 tons. Brokers said a depressing influence was announcement of sugar' rationing in England. March closed 1.51B, May Offerings of Cuban raw sugars expanded at 1.95 cents F.

One cargo was sold at 1.92 cents, or 2.82 cents on a duty a paid basis. compared with A general asking price of 3 cents. A local refiner bought 1800 tons of Philippines due early January at 2.82 cents. Refined remained at 4.70 cents. FILES STATEMENT WASHINGTON.

Dec. 28 (AP) Libby, Libby. of Chicago, filed a registration statement with the Securities Commission today covering $11.000,000 of first mortgage 15-year sinking fund 4 per cent bonds. due Jan. 1, 1955.

The company said that intended to use $9,197,030 of the proceeds from sale of the bonds. toward redemption on April 1, 1010, at 10112 per cent of $9.062.000 of outl7-year gold ho bonds due Oct. 1, 1012. standing first mortgage per cent The balance of the net proceeds is to be added to the company's net working capital and applied to the reduction of. bank loans.

STEEL EMPLOYMENT NEW YORK. Dec. 28 (AP)-Theof stecl industry had more than 561,000 employes on it. pay rolls in Novem-130 ber, the American Iron Steel Institute estimated today. This was 000 more than in October and 111,000 more than a year ago.

Steel pay rolls during the month jumped to 000 from $83.121.000 in October and $61,034,000 in November last year. ODD LOT TRANSACTIONS WASHINGTON. Dec. 28 -The Securities Commission reported todav these transactions by customers with odd -lot dealers or specialists on the New York Stock Exchange for Dec. 2T: 5180 purchases involving 157.752 shares; 5022 sales involving: 150,312 shares, including 39 short sales involving 1412 shares.

LEE RUBBER DIVIDEND NEW YORK. Dec. 28 (AP) -Directors of Lec Rubber and Tire Corporation declared a dividend of 15 cents a share, payable Feh. 1 to holders of record Jan. 15.

This is the first dividend in the company's fiscal year. which started Nov. 1,. and compared with 50 cents in the comparable period a year ago. ISSUE AUTHORIZED WASHINGTON, Dec.

28. (AP) --The Interstate Commerce Commission toRailway to issue and sell to the Reday authorized the Texas Pacific construction Finance Corporation at par $1,335.000 of equipment trust cer- will tificates Series E. The railway acquire 500 50-ton box cars costing $1,344,700. N. E.

POWER OUTPUT BOSTON; Dec. 28 (AP)--The New England Power Association reported today it produced 51,988.528 kilowatt hours of electricity during the week ended Dec. 23 compared with 460 for the corresponding period a year ago, an increase of 12.60 per cent. Other Financial News on Pages 20, 21 IS 8.30 8.15 8.00 7.00 8.45 9.00 JESSEL'S GUEST TONIGHT AT 9.30 -3 the history of the series will mark George. Jessel's.

year-end. Celebrity Program tonight at 9.30 p. m. over. WTIC.

Elsie. Janis, darling of the A. E. I will headline a cast. which ineludes Eddie Leonard, Ann Pennington, Francis N.

Bushman, Blanche Ring and George Rector. Lucille Manners, soprano, will be heard in the aria, Connaistu Le Pays Thomas': opera "Mignon." as a high light of the concert at p. m. lover WTIC. Miss Manners also will sing My Bill, first of the torch songs, from Jerome Kern's "Showboat." Ross Graham will have Rohannon's "Big lass Viol" as his sold offering.

The orchestra under Dr. Francis Black will play the Bacchanale from Saint-Saens' "Samson ct Delilah" as its initial selection. Other numbers will be Victor Herbert's "Punchinello," tho "Rakoczy March" of Berlioz and Lacome's "Los Toros." Ensemble presentations include Donaldson's "Cuckoo in the Clock" and Berlin's "Song of the Metronome" from the picture "Second Fiddle." The chorus will be: heard in Schubert's "Swanee River." the screen, biography of the romantic life of Stephen Foster, the composer, will be previewed in a radio presentation on the "Kate Smith Hour" over WMAS at 8 p. ml. with Al Jolson, Don Ameche and Nancy Kelly in the starring roles.

A pretty girl who writes a play for the movies, but can't. sell it because she wants to play the lading role herself, creates plenty of excitement when "First nighter" presents Lady Who Wasn't an Actress' at 9.30 p. m. Francis X. Bushman, Eddie Leonard, Ann Pennington: Also Scheduled The greatest array of guest stars in Today's Programs 5.00 Sports -Ed Kennedy WTIC-HARTFORD-1040 A.

M. 6.00 Blue Grass Roy 6.30 Francis Cronin, organist 6.00 Musical Clock 6.15 Agricultural Krarket Reports 6.13 Musical Trio 7.00 News Bulletins 7.05 Morning Review 1.13 Musical Clock 7.45 News and Weather Report 9.00 Associated Press News 9.05 Mildred W. Carlson 9.10 Music as You Like It 4.30 Harvey and Dell 9.45 Life Can Be Beautiful 0.00 Over Paradise 10.15 The Right to lapniness 10.30 The Story of Mary Marlin 10.13 Midstream- -drama 1.00 Mildred Carlson 11.10 Young Dr. Malone 11.30 Jack Cerch and his boys 11.40 Getting the Most Out of Life P. 51.

12.00 News Bulletins 12.05 Mildred W. Carlson 12.10 Noonday Review 12.25 Cherkerboard Time 12.30 National Farm and Home flour 1.15 Ellen Randolph, 1.30 News Bulletins 1.45 Concert Hall of the Alr 2.00 Music Appreciation Hour 3.00 Orphans of Divorce 3.15 We Women 3.30 Melody Time 3.45 News Bulletins 4.00 Club 4.33 Associated Press News 5.00 Name It And Take It 5.15 Gene and Glenn 5.43 Toin Sir WMAS-SPRINGFIELD-1420 A. M. 7.00 Farm A Home Program 7.30 Early Edition 7.45 Rise and Shine 8.02 News Bulletins 8.15 Melody Express 8.30 Morning Chapel 8.45 Kiloexcling on 1420 9.13 Statler Employes Chorus 9.40 News Bulletins 10.00 Pretty Kitty Kelly 10.13 and Marge 10.30 Hilltop House 10.43 The Morning Shopper 11.00 Lanny Ross, songs Brenda Curtis 011.30 Rig Sister 11.47 Aunt Jenny's Stories P. M.

12.00 Kate Smith's Noonday Chats 12.15 When a Girl Marries Correc: Time 12.02 News Culleting To the Ladies 1.00 Italian Varieties 1.15 J.ife Can Le Beautiful lithel Henin's Radio Chats 1.4. fload of Life 1.00 Book Corner 2.13 The and Lore of Dr. Susan 2.30 News Bulleting 2.13 My Son and 3.00 Milton Shapiro, songs 3.15 Carnival 3.00 Press. News 3.35 Uncle Jonathan 4.00 Time Out for Dancing 4.30 Alen Behind the Stars 4.43 Four Clubmen 5.00 Hits and Bits 0.30 Sports Telescope 5.45 Scattergood Daines WSPR-SPRINGFIELD-1110 A. st, 7.00 Wake Up Music for Men 7.30 Morning Gazette 8.00 News Bulletins 8.15 Weather Service 8.30 Musical Menu 0,00 Francis J.

Cronin, organist 9.15 lust Relax 9.34 Shopper Service a Nulletins 10.00 Let's lave Music 10.00 Cooking Forum 10.145 Choir Loft 11.00. Down Melody Lane 11.15 Dear Diary 11.30 Keen Fit to Music Prize Theater Party r. M. 12.00 Farm and Garden Program 12.13 New: England Agriculture 12.30 Polish-American Program 12.45 The Three Caballeros 1.00 News Bulletins 1.13 Legion Aviation Council 1.30 Monitor Views the Nens Seeing the Americas Muse and Music 2.13 Fashion P'arade 3.30 Thomas C. Sawyer- -Word Dramas 2.45 Nows Bulletin 8.00 Marriage License Romances Happy Larry Lawrence 1.30 Ray O'lara's Orchestra 0.45 The Top Hatters 4.00 and Encorce 4.47 Lest Il'e Forget.

News Budeting Tea Dance Cleveland Relief Head Is Robbed Car Found Wrecked, Paroled Burglar Taken CLEVELAND, Dec. '28 (AP) -Frank G. Jones, Cleveland's commissioner of relief, returned home this afternoon to end several hours' search by police. His motor car had been found wrecked at 4.30 a. m.

(E. S. with Jones missing. Jones, with a swollen lip and a forehead bruise, said he was slugged, robbed of $12 and left along a snowy highway by a man and a woman who solicited a ride from him. Police who arrested a man and a woman near the wreck scene said the -a convicted burglar on paroleconfessed the robbery.

The Peyote cult, whose followers number in the thousands, worship the peyote cactus, a narcotic plant of the Rio Grande valley, CLASSIFIED ADS START HERE ANNOUNCEMENTS Business Announcements CLOGGED DRAINS "electrocleaned" or no charge. No digging. Roto- Rooter Sewer service. Any hour. any day.

4-3754. CIGARET burns, mothholes, a tears rewoven, clothing, rugs. Invisible mending. Textile Rewcaving, 175 State. 4-7041.

Est. 1899. ELECTRIC ROOTER -Power. sewer cleaner. Special wires for waste pipes traps.

J. Singleton, MASTER PLUMBER 3-1219 "YEAR END- Business Supplies Diaries. Calendars, Folders, Ledger Sheets Johnson'a Florists FRESII AND cut flowers floral designs for all occasions. Wenk's Floriste, 128 Hanco*ck st. Tel.

2-1197. Personals LEAVING for Florida, accommodate to defray expense. Tel. 6-7896. NEW YEAR'S EVE.

celebrators. reliable chauffeur drivers to hire. Call 2-6585. Lost and Found 10 BILL FOLD -Lost in of Bridge Main. Owner CAn identify.

Rew. 4-0686. FOUND-Beaglo, Chicopee tag. Inquire 17 Curtiss Westfield after 7 FOUND on State yellow gold oxford bifocal Tel. Westfield 1849-M.

LOST -Double string of Kold beads, betw. City Hall Pine St. 6-1476 after 6 p.m. LOST -Black. white Re tan beagle hound.

Name on. L8g. 11. Jones, 19 Tenth st. LOST -Yellow cat with green collar.

Vic. Central Main. Liberal reward. 3-3751. AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 ALEXANDER NASH, Nash Lafayette Tr.

Conditioned Air. $575: '37 Nash Lafayette Conv. R. $495: '33 Dodge Tr. heater $325.

104 Memorial W. S. 6-9314. A BETTER USED CAR FOR THE NEW TEAR 1938 Zephyr Sedan, R. 11.

$895 1933 Lafayette Sedan (air cond.) $635 1938 Ford Tudor 60 11. P. $419 1937 Fordor, H. R. $119 1936 Ford Fordor, If.

$335 1936 Plymouth Tudor 1935 Ford Cab. (like new) $260 1931 Ford Tudor $145 THESE ARE ALL WINTERIZED AND JUST A FEW OF OUR SELECTED TERMS STOCK AUTOMOBILE SALES CO. 503 STATE ST. 93 LIRERTI ST. Open Evenings.

Tel. 6-2782. AT PINE P'OINT MOTOR SALES! Studebaker Club Sed. R. $535 '38 Ford Coach, 1.

R. $495 '36 Pontiac 8 Touring Sedan $395 '36 Plymouth Coach $295 '35 Ford Coach, overhauled motor. $193 '36 Ford Coach, heater $260 '34 Plymouth Del. 4-Dr. Sed.

$193 '31 Conv. R. H. 75 '34 ('hevrolet Tour. Sedan $195 '33 Chevrolet Master Coach $125 '35 Chevrolet Coach, new tires TERMS A8 LOW AS $10 DOWN 1666 STATE ST.

OPEN EVES. 3-2543 AT TEAGAN MOTORS INC. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALERS SALE 1932 Ply. 8. Coupe, heater 93 1933 Essex Sedan.

very rood 75 1931 Chov. 2-dr. Sedan, excellent 195 1935 Chrysler 6 complete recond. 1936 Chrysler 6 Sedan. very clean 375 1936 Ford 4-dr.

Trk. Sedan 245 1937 Ford 2-dr. Sedan .325 1933 ('hev. Tour. heater, excell.

150 Just off Memorial Bridge W. S. TEL. 2-0092 BEST BARGAINS AT HARRINGTON'S '36 Hud Cre. Ford Sed.

495 '36 Plym. Cpe. Ford Sed. 395 '36 Olds. Sed.

Hud. Sed 595 '35 Terra. Sed. 205 33 Plym. Sed.

125 '33 Terra. Sed. Essex Choac 95 Ask A About Our NO CASH DOWN PLAN 17-37 Pearl St. Tel. 4-6416 FORD COACHES-4.

1934, $100 to $125 apiece. D. N. Ackerman, 48 Willow St. 1931 PONTIAC A 4-dr.

sedan. good condition, reas. NO Call 4-9367. Ledger Serv. Station.

At Springfield's Largest Used I Car Dealer Prices slashed on our complete stock. Save money. Every guaranteed. MORIARTY 21 Winter St. 4-3040.

CHEVROLET 1938 special 2-ton Truck. Can he put to work hauling pulp wood. Call Homer at 7-0231. I CHEVROLETS '36 Master Del. 4-Dr.

Trk. with heater; '35 Rumble seat '36 14-ton cAnopy. Many other makes models. J. C.

Byrnes, 623 Blain. 7-9141, Chevrolet 1937 5 pass. sedan $293 Ford 1937 pass. sedan $245 LOUIS CHEVROLET. Thompsonville 4426.

CHEVROLET 1936-2-dr. sedan $275, rood clean car. economical to run. Warriner-Pontiac 883 Main St. 2-6201.

to sell at once 1937 Chevrolet Sedan. Excellent condition. Call 4-0823, FORD 1937 Club Cabriolet, del. model. Heater, radio.

chrome disc wheels. Colorado brown finish. beautiful car for only $375. Sterling A. Orr, 92 Memorial W.

S. 2-4168. FORD COUPE: 1939. radio heater. $545.

Many others, Louis Cohen, 695 Main St. 4-8894. Open evenings, Many others, FORD 1936 SEDAN heater. $275. Open lives.

Cash or easy terms. D. N. Ackerman. FORD DELUXE 1937 $350.

D. N. Ackerman. Open eves. Cash or easy terms.

FORD 1939 2-dr. heater, low mileAge, $493. J. N. Ackerman, 48 Willow.

FORD 193S model 3-dr. $315. D. N. Ackerman, 48 Willow St.

4-6857. FORD SEDAN 3-dr. model $285. Cash or easy terms. Open eves.

D. N. Ackerman. FORD REACH WAGON 1935, very clean, $275. 1, N.


low mileage. Al condition. $676. Tel. 8-1208.

OLDS. '38 tour. radio heater $525. Or. Gordon.

3-4131 or Chic. :66. '32 Del. Rus. R.

'37 4-1r. Del. Trk. R. H.

(4 from which to choose.) '31 Rus. R. like new; '36 Del. 4-Dr. Trk.

Sed. Special $325. J. 'C. BYRNES 623 Main St.

7-9141. P'ONTIAC Coach '29, exceptionally good mechanically, Bargain. 1630 Wilbraham Rd. STUDERAKER 1937 Dictator 4-fir. Sedan, heater.

Low mileage, clean, new tires. Week-end special at $419. Kelleher Mixer. 464 St. James Ave.

Tel. 3-3116. 1939 DODGE Pickup $450. J. Cloughley, 3 Sonoma Trucks and Trailers 11-A AT REOPELL'S 1334 Dodge 11-ton dump truck, woodbody.

All excellent tires, A clean unit in very good condition 1935 Ford 14-ton Panel. Motor completely overhauled. good looking. excelient running truck. All black finish 1978 Ford Sedan Delivery.

Jike low mite and exceptionally nite $445 1337 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery. A Delure Delivery unit in top condition. Thorougbly reconditioned end ready for service $365 1934 Chevrolet 14-ton Panel. A big value for the prico asked. Good condition throughout $165 A.


Thompsonville CHEVROLET. Delivery DODGE. 4-ton $395 LOUIS CHEVROLET, Thompsonville 4425. CHEVROLET yd. dump truck.

Good cond. Price $230. 24 Newton Place, Holyoke. Tel. Holyoke G.M.C.

truck, custom built vAn body $300. Privately owned. Call North Wilbraham 24. FEDERAL 1936 4 dump truck, 114 ton Galion brand body hoist, $600. Kittredge-Gardner 11 Park St.

2-4184. OIL -Chev. 760 gal. tank pump meter. Excel.

cond. Call Ludlow 410. UTILITY Trailer, louse trailer parts; metal undercarriage frame, mouldings, windows, ventilators, roofing. Leathertex, siding. etc.

1650 Wilhraham Rd. 2 20-ft. Traitors, full Van Bodies 975-20 Tires 1936 Dodge Dump Truck REDDEN SANDERSON G. USED TRUCKS 33 Memorial West Spild. 1939 INTERNATIONAL truck stake body at sacrifice price.

lodge Tire Co. 85 Greenwood St. 1333 DODGE--Panel delivery in good condition. Price $125. Cash.

Tel. 4-8209. 1033 CHEVROLET-14-ton pick -up, 1p A-1 condition, Price $435. Call 6-2396 AUTOMOBILES Auto Accessories GENDEN BROS. -For new and used auto parts and rebuilt motors.

Genden Cor. Main and Morgan Sts. 6-5481-2-3. tAi WOR Symphony WOR VARIETY Prof. Quiz WDRC Lucille Manners WTIC Don't Forget WIZA Kate Smith WMAS Johnny Presents WMAS Waltz Plantation Time Party WRZA WTIC George Jessel W'TIC Hit Cavalcade WIZA.

DRAMA Lone Ranger TMAS Amos and Andy WM11S Mystery WTIC Lum and Abner WDRC First Nighter WURC Little Theater WMAS Grand Central IV MAS Playhouse WTIC TALKS AND COMMENT Boake Carter WDRC Edwin C. Hill WMAS H. V. Laltenborn WDRC Today In Europe WORC Lowell Thomas W'BZA Davis MAS Gabriel Sen. Styles Bridges R.

G. Swing WOK 10.00 John Steele WOR 10.20 Fulton Lewis WOR 10.30 l'aul Sullivan I MAS 11.00 DANCE Fred Waring WTIC 7 Guy a Lombardo WTIC 10 00 Horace Heidt WJZ 10 30 Sammy Kaye WMAS 11.30 Krupa W'TIC 12.00 Frank Masters WOE 12.00 Jimmy Dorsey WBZA 12.30 Joe Sanders WOE 12.30 Leighton Noble 12.30 Johnny McGee WTIC 12.30 Tom Blue wOR 1.00 Dick Barrie woR 1.30 10.00 Al and Lee 10.13 Rakov's Orchestra 10.30 Charioteers, quartet 10.43 The Child Grows Up 11.0) Club 11.15 Musicale 11,30 Christmas in Many Lands M. 12 00 Bulletins 12.10 Noonday Review 12.25 Stock Quotations 12.30 National Grange Program 25 Metropolitan Opera Co. 5.15 Ella Fitzgerald's Orchestra 5.30 Christmas Carols WMAS-SPRINGFIELD-1420 A. M.

7.00 Farly Edition 7.10 Rise and Shine 8.00 Correct Tine 8.02 News Bulletins 8.15 Melody Express N.39 Morning Chapel 9.00 Richard Blaxwell 8.46 Kilocyrling on eir20 9.10 Old Vienna 9.20 I'ress Neva 9.30 Johengarten Presents 9.43 Bulletins 10.00 Morning Shopper 10.15 Girl Scout P'rogram Aunt Patty's Gang 11.00 Indianapolis Symphony 01.30 Stock Exchange Closing P'. 51. 12.00 Country Journal 12.10 Country Journal 12.46 News Bulletins 1.00 What Price America? 1.30 Deep River Boy's 2.00 Brush Creek Follies 2.30 Baron Eliot's Melodies 2.43 Vera Brodsky, concert pianist 3.00 Columbia Chamber Orchestra 3.13 Orange Bowl Preview 3.30 News with Bob Trout 3.33 Vera Brodsky, pianist 4.00 Bun Session 4.30 The Dancerators 0.00 Concert Orchestra 5.30 Ed Duchin's Orchestra A. M. 7.00 Wake Up! 7.15 News Bulletin: 7.30 Morning Gazette S.

IV News Bulletins 8.13 Weather Service 8.30 Musical Menu 9.00 Variations 9.15 Just Heiax I 9.30 Tungy Turvy Town 9.45 News Bulletins 10.00 The Marriage Clinic 10.30 The First Offender 11.00 Model Airplane Club 11.15 4-H Club 11.00 U. S. Army Band P. M. 12.00 Polish- American Program 1.15 Lee Authier, pianist 1.30 Monitor Views the News 1.43 lima Serra's Orchestra 2.1) P'almer louse Concert Orchestra 2.47 News Bulletins 3.00 Ix0 Freudberg's Orchestra 3.30 Robby Byrnes' Orchestra 4.011 Ray Cooley.

songs 4.13 Christmas Carols 4.310 Vic Curley's Orchestra 5.10 News Bulletins 5.13 The Shindig 5.30 Jack Basil's Tumbleweeds A. M. 6.00 Blue Grass Roy 6.00 Sunrise Special 7.00 Morning Watch 8.00 News and Weather 8.13 Musical Tete-a-tete 8.30 Radio Bazar 9.00 Doyl O' Dell 9.15 Food News 9 30 Norman Cloutier's Orchestra 9.43 Crackerjacks 10.00 The Wise Man 10.15 No Senool TodAy 10.30 Bright Idea Club 11.00 How Your Gov't Operates 11.13 Smiling Ed McConnell 11.30 Hilda lore, M. D. l'.

M. 12.00 Eastman School of Sfusic 12.30 Conn. State College Farm Forum 12.45 pant Orchestra 1.00 News Market Report 1.30 Matinee in P'rogram from New York 2.30 Music Styled for You 3,00. Golden Melodies 3.30 Dol Orchestra 4.00 Campus Capers 4.30 Studio Program 0.00 Program from New York 4.30 Dance Orchestra 0.00 Serenade 5.15 Three Cheers 5.00 N. Y.

Program M. 7.00 Musical Program 8.30 News and Weather 8.10 Shoppers Special 9. (.) Richard Blaxwell 9.13 Old Vienna 9.30 Public Forum 10.00 Stringtime 10.30 Indianapolis Symphony Stock Exchange Close P. St. 12,00 Ad-Liner Let's U'retend 1.00 News and Weather 1.05 Sweet and Swing 1.30 Deep River Boys 1:4.1 Mayfair Orchestra Brush Creek Follies 2.30 Baron Elliot's Melodies 3.00 vanco 1.13 Orange Rowl Preview 3.30 Strictly Swing 4.00 Music off the Record 4.47 Ad- Liner 5.30 Dance Orchestra WHA-GREENFIELD-1910 A.

M. 7.45 Springfield Union news 8.00 News Bulletins 813 Children's Revue 8.43 Old Friends from Melody Lane :9.00 Morning Devotions 9.13 Your Friendly Neighbor 9.30 Voice of the Apothecary 9.43 Shelburne Falls Program 10.00 Independents Parade 10.30 Adventures of Jungle Jim 10.13 The Old Optimist 11.00 News Bulletins 11.05 Interlude 11.13 This Wonderful World 11.30 U. S. Army Band P.M. 12.00 Franklin County Extension.

Service 12.15 Frankhn County Grange 12.45 News Reporter 12.30 Birthday Box 12.05 Stock Quotations 1.02 News Service 1.13 Indian Call 0.04 Palmer louse Concert Orchestra 2.30 News The Hayride Arranged by: Len Freudberg Tom Tucker's Orchestra 4.00 Songs that Sweethearts Sing 4.30 Christmas Gold 5.00 Dance Orchestra. 5.30 Nona 5.35 Springheld Union news 5.15 Entertainment Time 7 8.30 A. M. 7.30 8.00 8.00 8 00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.30 9.30 6.30 7.00 7.15 7.15 9.30 9.30 10.00 00 10.30 6.05 6.05 6.30 6.13 6.15 8.55 9.00 9.30 Garages 16.4 FIREPROOF garages for rent, 208 Walnut St. Also storage space.

$2.50 month. GARAGE for winter storage. $3.50. J. D.

Jardine. 54 Hall St. 6-4200. Wanted -Automobiles 17 ABSOLUTELY high rash prices paid for used cars. Clinton Hotel Garage, 4-5028.

ALL makes And years wanted, whether good, bad, wrecks or junk. 6-8436. BEST CASH PRICES for late models only. J. C.

BYRNES 623 Main. 7-9141. CASH for late model used cars. Kelleher Mixer, 464 St. James Ave, 3-3116.

JUNK cars wanted, Bennie's Auto Exchange 286 Sharon St. 7-9219. SHOP around--then see us-it you want to sell your car for cash. MI, C. Barrett, 600 State St.

Open Eves. SPOT CASIT for late model cars, prompt action, all transactions confidential. C. K. Beswick, 835 White St.

Tel. 2-1641. TOP PRICES for late models. Pine Point Motor, 1566 State. Open Eves.

3-2542. WANTED 150 used cars, Immodiate cash. Only good cars consid. GEO. A.

CODFISH: 1236-40 State (opp. MAMA. Mutual) 6-4615. BUSINESS SERVICES Building--Contracting 19 ALL new. repair, carpentry, celling.

at. estimates. Heating and Plumbing 20 FURNACES that leak smoke are dangerous. Furnaces rescaled $6. Free 10- spection.

Call Holland Furnace for pairs. 95 Taylor St. 6-0047. Repairing 22 BURNS, mothholos. tears, rewoven.

invisible, local, low prices, Spild. Reweaving. Rm. 410. 115 State.

Main. 2-6163. LIVING ROOM SUITES reupholstered, rebuilt, recovered. refinished, refilled. Free estimates.

Guaranteed job only $23. $1 a week. Mr. Shatz. Tel.

7-3535. Moving Moving-Trucking-Storage -Storage 25 ALL insured furniture movers, local long distance. Ted Fuller, the lover, 2514 Main. Res. 30 San Miguel 6-6000.

ANDERSON BENSON CORP. 2-E1C6. Furniture and piano moving. local and long dis. Storage.


TRUCKING RIGGING MOVING Huck's Transfer. since 1660. 3-5147 Professional Services 27 ELEC NEEDLE for the rellet of that annoying "Superfluous Hair." Perm. removal. Sadie E.

Bohling. 1331 Main St. Rm. 503 Woman's Shop Bldg. 3-4070, SUPERFLUOUS hair facial blemishe painlesely removed.

Physicians' references. Amos P. Nichols Re Katherine E. Nichol Electric Needle Specialists 1563 Main St Est. 1892.

Tel. 3-9814 Beauty Schools 27A BURREBY- ROSE BEAUTY ACADEMY ranks A-1 in training and facilities. 30 yra. exp. Free Service.

1433 Main. 3-4810 DOERR ACADEMY OF BEAUTY CULTURE-Day eve. classes. live models, Doerr's, 167 State. Arcade Bldg.

3-5017. EMPLOYJIENT Help Wanted -Female 32 A.B.C. Emp. Service, 360 Worthington St. Waitresses waiters.

Steady work. Also New Year's Eve. A CAPABLE girl with references, housework. stay nights. 2-2860.

A live GIRL in. for Chicopee general 1288-J. housework, good pay, DEMONSTRATORS to handle local department and fire and ten-rent store demonstrations of well-known product. Give experience, references and brief description. Write Box 1856 Union Off.

DRESS model, size 14. 5 ft. 7 in. to 5 ft. 9 in height.

Apply Immediately, 145 State St. Suite Mr. Gimbel. EXP. SECRETARY -Over 25.

single, perm. opening. Sal. SALESLADY over 25, exp, on women apparel for exclusive specialty Perm. position, cal.

$20 to $25, NATION- WIDE. 603. 95 State St. EXPER. girl, housework.

Adults. Live in. Sat. Sun. afternoons off.

$6. EXPERIENCED Protestant woman for oral housework, cooking. Help with children. Box Union Office. GIRL for general housework in New York City, small family, good home pay.

Tel. Spild. 3-0067. WOMAN for general housework. to 5.

$10 week. 172 Delinont Ave. Help Salary 33 ALL-around mechanic and ignition man. Excellent opening. Good salary.

NATION- WIDE. 505, 95 State St. A PAY check every week for right man to look after estab. nursery business 1n Hampden County. unnec.

Season starting. Kay Roe, Newark, N. r. DRUG CLERK. 3 or experience Professional Building Pharmacy, Inc.

EXPER. single milker teamster wanted. 1. Abbe, liazardville, Tel. T'Ville 3000.

HOUSEBOY-16 or 17 yeara. French or P'olish. Mrs. Field. Temple St.

FARM HAND- Wanted, young. single, per enced milker teamster. No liquor, $30 per also boy over 17, milker. Fred W. Sanford.

Mousing Ludlow. MAN--Familiar around machinery capable of making minor repairs preferably with knowledge of Simplex oil burnere. State age qualifications by letter only. Address 122 Chestnut St Box 710. MEN wanted to sell refreshments.

Friday afternoon. E. S. Coliseum Bring your 8. S.

card. REGISTERED pharmacist wanted. Bor 1027 Daily News, Ifolyoke. STEAM turbine operator. with second-class license.

Apply by letter stating exper. Steady work. Consider man past middle Age. Monument Mills. Houstonic, Mars.

Male Help--Salesmen COLLECTOR wanted at once. must hare car. Inq. People's Store, 117 State St. MAN for sales opening.

can make about $30 a week at start, permanent with increases, car casential. Box 902 Union MAN WANTED for lawleigh Route in Southeast Hampden County where consumers received gond service during the 1a-t 11 3rars, Hustler with car can pect good profits from start. Write at once. Rawleigh's. Dept.

MAL-212-207. Albany, N. Y. WANTED At once man between 25-40, anxious to work hard for permanent connection with one of largest corporations in world. Man selected will trained and made to eArn better than $40 wepk.

Car essential Call Mr. Dixon, Hotel Worthy. Friday between 12-3 only. Help--Male or Female 31 PIANO PLAYER AND TWO SINGERS PHONE 6-9501. Situations Wanted -Male 37 AMTIERST Graduate.

sales merchandising experience. Any position welcome. Salary. Hox 800. I'nion Office.

CHAUFFEUR experienced, familiar with Southern routes. Good references. Call 2-2171. Room 415 between 7 And p.m. OFFICE executive.

college graduate, ried. fire business background. desires position of responsibility, excellent reterences. Box 888 Union Office. WANTED-Ry middle aged man, position in lunch room.

lunch cart or hotel Saturdays and Sundavs in kitchen or any place. Box 895, Union YOUNG, single herdsman. milker, tractor. teamtser, excel. refs.

Box 1855 Union. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 33 CONFECTIONERY store show. $50 wkly. not profits. Ieas.

price terms. 4-3307. DWIGHT ST. Restaurant with beer license for sale. Owner Ill.

P'hone attorney 4-4520. LIQUOR package store in Conn. Inq. Arthur Kery. Breezy P'oint.

Niantic, Conn. POULTRY market, good location, well equipped. Reasonable price. Call 88 or Tel. 4934 Time.

Conn. RESTAURANT closed eves. good paying business. Easy terms. 4-3307.

SHOE Repair Shop for sale. Machinery Equlpinent. Good location. 661 Dirkinson. Bus.

Opportunities Wanted 38A QUITTING business, linmediate rash paid. liquidator, confidential. Box 897 I'nion. Personal Financing 39 PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Loans Up to $300-All Plans 1618 Main St.

Phono 4-1131. License 14 1490. Main Phone 4-3544. License 1011. 1 f..

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.